Steve and the Cake-o-nauts

A group of third years from Churchill, Steve and the Cake-o-nauts presumably have some kind of vessel capable of travelling through the treacherous medium of cake.


Members: Jon Ahearn, Christopher Berry, Dan Oliver, Alex Rea, Chris Smowton.

The Famous Five

With some members of last year\’s triumphant Team Internet, the temporarily named Internet 2.0 have quite a reputation to live up to! Indeed they are now named The Famous Five.


Members: Anthea Heyes, Jeyaveni Chedumbarum Pillay, Hannah Kitchener, Emilie Yerby, Laura Vale

The Cambridge Unnameables RETURN

Announcing the return of the Cambridge Unnameables! There may well be evidence that we\’re a little older, creakier, and slower (that, or we\’re taking our work/dissertations more seriously!), but WE\’RE BACK, MHUWAHAHA!!

True to form, we have no team picture yet. So here\’s one of them from last year, and we\’re super-pleased to see them back! – Chris


Team Members: Mary Hom, Aidan Brown couldn\’t make it so instead there is the mysterious \’Ulrich\’, Miranda Garfoot, Joe Garfoot and Blaise Thomson.

The Boom Squad

Are you holding out for a hero? Need them to be strong, fast and fresh from the fight? Never fear! The Boom Squad is here! On the hunt, this elite crime-fighting, scavenging team will be around Cambridge for 36 hours of supreme antics. Consisting of:

Akiko – special skills including super radar ears, always tuned into \”what\’s going down\”.
– with the power of charm, she can attain anything.
– with experience in assassinating, flag capturing and general mischief, Elaine is an asset to the team.
Emma – with the gift of the gab she can be counted on to get what you need.
Henri – the token male/Johnian, an essential part of any New Hall team is on hand to fulfill all the manly requirements.


THE BOOM SQUAD, they\’re gonna shake this mother\’ up.

Some Assembly Required

Some Assembly Required: Scavenger Hunt Team – Churchill College Freshers edition. Contents include 3 Compscis, 1 Mathmo, 1 Linguist, 1 tube solvent based glue. WARNING: Choking Hazard – Unsuitable for children under the age of 3.


Members: Ryan Hamlet, Oliver King, Yuan Zhang, Alex Collins, Simon Coll

We\’re glad to see that they\’ve risk-assessed themselves. They\’ve also been told to include the tube of glue in any team photographs or activities. – Chris

Scavenger Hunt 2008


This year\’s Scavenger Hunt will begin at 9am on Wednesday 11th June and end at 9pm on Thursday the 12th of June. This year there will be PRIZES!

If you are interested, then take a look at the history page and the previous years\’ lists. The rules of the game have been altered slightly so please take a few minutes to read them – we\’ve also included some advice on how to impress the judges!

If you\’d like to take part then get together a group of friends and email us. We\’re inviting teams of up to five people to take part, although subsitutions will be considered. We\’d appreciate a team name, a short description of yourselves and if possible a group photograph or photoshopped collage.


If you\’ve seen our leaflet at the Freshers\’ Fair and decided to take a look, why not scroll through the lists from previous years and checking out the reviews of the last hunt (all linked to on the right), complete with pictures and movies! We hope to have a special hunt organised for Christmas at the end of this term, so stay tuned for that. Lies.

You can sign up to our mailing list for announcements about future events by following this link.


Thus, with our reviews complete, we come to the awards. Obviously, everyone who took part won in some way, we hope, by having fun, but there was a scoring system to reward those who showed true scavenging prowess. In addition, we\’ve selected further categories in which to honour our teams and have mentioned once again the bonus points we awarded for impressive completion of a task or item.

Top Three

  • Gold Medal – Team Internet, for actually scoring the most points. Their strength lay in indiscriminately spamming us with as many items as possible, bravo!
  • Silver Medal – Would Sell Sex For Points, coming in a brave second.
  • Bronze Medal – The Cambridge Unnameables, in a very close third.


  • String Quartet Award for Musical Flair – The Cambridge Unnameables, for all their playing and singing
  • Colouring Pencils Award for Artistic Ability – Trinity Blue, for their posters
  • Missing Nobel Prize Award for Scientific Endeavour – Team Badger for both the ice in a sieve and their gunge
  • What Dignity? Award for Voluntary Humiliation – Phil Bielby of Team Internet, for his frighteningly good makeover
  • I Can Tell Because I\’ve Seen a Few of Them in My Time Award for Photoshop Endeavours – Peterhouse Mafia, for their world leaders
  • Spin Doctor Award for Outrageous Lying – Will Sell Sex For Points, because that wasn\’t a piece of the Berlin Wall
  • Copy Pasta Award for Stealing from the Internet – Team Internet, because of Phil
  • Essay Due In Award for Creative Writing – Will Sell Sex For Points, for their essay on emo kids
  • Fabulous Finesse Award for Style – The Cambridge Unnameables, for so many reasons

Bonus Points

  • Number 7 Bus – Getting the Caius porter to \’give\’ them the college flag, getting a member of staff to meditate with them in Sainsbury\’s
  • Team Internet – Getting a picture of the blue plaque in the Mayor\’s office and developing their own notation for Wuthering Heights in semaphore
  • Will Sell Sex For Points – Finding a five-language dictionary, putting together a 12-person human pyramid
  • The Cambridge Unnameables – Dressing as a vampire for the purpose of crossing bridges, the string quartet

Day 2 Review – The Cambridge Unnameables

With this team there is so much to say. Mary was the most prolific email correspondant by far and when we finally met her on Wednesday evening, everything we\’d ascertained from her correspondance seemed to make sense. One thing\’s for sure though, nearly everything they did from the list, they did with exceptional style!

Starting with examples of that style, they didn\’t bring us ordinary pictures of bridges that vampires can cross, oh no, they had Aidan dress as a vampire to cross those bridges. Similarly when sending us photos of people whose names are geographical places, they made them look awesome. When it came to seceding from a political organisation, it just had to be done in black tie. As for the Owlbear, it took three of them to \’make\’ it, and was quite indescribably fantastic, mostly for involving Mary climbing onto someone\’s shoulders, all wearing black and tree branches. Sadly there is no photo of that feat.

\"Out \"Famous \"Dapper\"

Moving to more miscellaeneous items, they planted a slightly skeletal tree, found someone in the university who owned a My Little Pony, brought us a cake with a toy soldier (apparently an extra team member) inside it and also managed to punt some tourists.

\"A \"What’s \"Sunny

Other noteable scavenges included a The Simpsons monopoly set, more dressing up in order to save a copy of Le Monde and sending Chris a fax via Caius. On video we can show you Blaise defeating a fellow at Rock, Paper, Scissors and also crossing a new bridge across the Cam, constructed from the plank they had earlier fetched for us.

Perhaps part of their success was down to their unique access to the Institute of Theology and associated religious establisments. It meant that for copies of the same book in multiple langauges, we were shown Bibles in English, French, Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Syriac and Coptic. Then we have Mary pictured with both a bishop and a president of a seminary. Additionally, for whatever reason, the wife of a fellow offered her help to the team and when asked if she could make the presidential pasta portrait, gathered several different types of pasta and produced a marvellous George Washington. Finally in related matters, enjoy Chris munching on red M&Ms from the church collection plate they borrowed.

\"Which \"George \"Handsome

They were no strangers to attempting to bluff us into giving them points either. Much like WSSFP, they crossed the Rubicon fruit juice, although they did bring every flavour. They also told Chris\’ fortune by observing the fall of doughnut sugar over a picture of Tiger Woods, then channelling Tiger\’s innate divining powers to reveal my fate. After researching the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky bridge and finding it to be a wormhole, they brought exactly that, from their garden in a jamjar of course. Their Carmen Sandiego was not a women dressed in red, alas, but it was a copy of the original game.

To finish our sparkling review of their performance we have their musical talent. It began with a medley of US TV themes (it made a change from Neighbours and Eastenders) on Wednesday morning. Then in the afternoon we were treated to a guitar-accompanied blues song in which they mostly woke up in the morning. Apparently the lyrics to their song about Jesus, naturally their favourite historical figure, were made up on the way to see us, but they flowed so well they could have had their own rock group. The piece de resistance however was mostly definitely the string quartet which comprised entirely of team members. We were both wowed and wooed. Inspiring stuff!

\"The \"A

Day 2 Review – Trinity Blue

After meeting us to collect the list early on Tuesday morning, we didn\’t see them again until Wednesday, apparently due to rowing. We\’re glad they showed up eventually though! We\’re missing pictures of many things so unfortunately descriptions will have to suffice.

Firstly, someone had some serious drawing talent. They produced a superbly coloured-in poster warning of the dangers of driving alone and also a combined protest banner/book banning asking us to \’Say No to Pharmacology\’. Their cakes were also quite delicious. Alex sang a lovely medley of TV themes, on her own, bless. She then recounted the many woes she had from the day\’s rowing before. Their flag of Derbyshire was unparalleled, complete with flagpole and again, hand coloured. The team also brought us the only genuine (or as genuine as you can probably get) chunk of the Berlin wall – it had that \’sold to tourists\’ feel about it. Alex also told Chris\’ fortune through palmistry, she\’s clearly a very talented young lady. They combined 4 items in one with their gelatinous cube of jelly-ice containing a thimble, brought us a single statement with 8500 nectar points, the most we\’ve ever seen, and had a pasta family tree that extended over three pages. Finally, their survey revealed that the public is torn between Superman and Batman if they were to fight. All in all, an impressive haul for just a morning\’s work, well done!