Post-Hunt Stats

Hi all,

With all this free time I\’ve done some quick and fun analysis of the numbers from cush2011! To start with, here\’s a histogram of how many teams attempted each item:


There were 412 items attempted out of a possible 500 (82%), and 329 items had maximum points awarded to at least one team.

The following items were not attempted by anyone:

Num. Item
6 The biggest Royal Wedding photograph
11 A Superinjunction
13 An RSA SecureID token
25 A Carriage
31 A glass slipper
33 Stag do photos
35 Cartwheeling whilst dressed as a vicar
40 Tobin\’s spirit guide
45 High voltage laser containment facility
46 Bill Murry
47 Total protonic reversal
48 Twinkie (bonus points if 35\’ long and 600lb)
67 Most people on a punt
71 A stress detector machine (bonus if it works)
75 Flammable sea parks model (bonus points if burnt down, with explanation)
76 Wear an Aunt Irma t-shirt
77 Grand Designs DVDs (bonus points if you don\’t have a receipt)
80 Shithead of the Year Award
81 A Flappy Duck take away dinner
114 Holiday snaps from Girton
115 Girton passport stamp
116 Surfboard
127 Mr. ASBO
136 A video on saving money
138 Cardboard box house (must be able to fit at least one judge)
141 Cave Johnson quotes recited from memory
143 A personality core
145 Long fall boots
147 An ASHPD (bonus points if it works)
164 Myrrh
166 A snow ball
173 Pigs in blankets (bonus for quantity)
175 An ugly Christmas jumper
198 A probability drive
201 Bistromath
203 Deep Thought
206 A properly labelled book of matches
220 Meatloaf
221 Old fashioned rattle
222 Micky Mouse Hat
224 Charles Atlas
231 The Eye of Gallifrey
233 Time Lord robes
235 Tom Baker scarf
239 The Rod of Rassilon
244 A monocle
245 A cravat
253 The source
256 A ruby on some rails
258 The Sea
259 HAL 9000
265 Most twitter followers
266 Get #cush11 trending
270 Proof of fattest mum
300 Arabic dictionary
310 Shot put
322 An anti-bullying video
350 Oldest Varsity hoody
361 A Betamax tape
363 A polaroid
367 A TV watch
368 A thermionic valve (vacuum tube)
373 Gramaphone
374 A Laserdisk
376 A typewriter
381 An HD-DVD
402 Ancient Mew Pokemon Card
409 Hansom Taxi
415 Hover car
416 Hoverboard
420 A space suit
421 A square melon
424 Soylent Green
426 Nicotine patches
428 A Jade hairpin
433 An ASBO
440 Carl Powers\’ shoes
452 Red weed
455 Triffid
461 Four-leafed clover
468 The Angry Inch
478 Rollerblades and goggles
481 A mithril skateboard
486 Ramona\’s bag
488 A glowing head
489 The Power of Love
490 The Power of Understanding

The most popular items (attempted by 8 teams) were:

Num. Item
17 Chequered Shirt (up to 5, must be wearing all of them)
19 Pretentious band t-shirt
122 Alcohol
189 A towel

338 points were awarded for superlative entries, out of a total of 4288.5, for 8% of all points going to superlatives.

Here\’s a chart of the number of items attempted by each team:


And to finish off, here\’s the money shot: the scores of each team over the two days!


Hope you enjoyed these stats!

and the winners are…

The results are in! After a very very close finish that was eventually settled by some fantastic and very entertaining superlative entries, we have the results!

The Winners:

Robyn Will Kick You In The Face! Well done! They had perhaps the best stories from Newnham, with a special commendation for their fantastic costumes and delicious bribery brownies. They also supplied us with morning whiskey! It kept us going all day 🙂

Second Place:

Lion Hunters! Sheer efficiency, a huge quantity of items, they were here almost the entire time presenting stuff, acting out, doing some fantastic singing and completed the most sections.

Third Place:

F.B.M.! No signup email, they turned up briefly Wednesday morning to collect the list and we thought that was all we\’d see of them… until Thursday afternoon, where they turned up with a punt full of 500 points worth of items! They had a huge quantity of items, a lot of quality of items and a lot of naked man! Seriously special commendation for bringing everything on a punt in one massive hit.

The Scores:

Robyn Will Kick You In The Face: 988.5
Lion Hunters: 917.5
F.B.M.: 607
Socksoc 3: 378.5
Lesbian Steampunk Samurai Lizard Detectives: 329.5
The 87s: 288
Nyan: 274.5
Captain Friendless: 255
BAJJA: 226
Lips To Suck A Mango: 24
Team \”Couldn\’t think of a team name\”: 0

Special Commendations:

  • The 87s for a lot of gratuitous nudity (almost got kicked out of the Union!) and the look on the judges\’ faces when it happened!
  • Captain Friendless for getting 255 points with only one team member plus Biscuits the Sock Monkey, and for his fantastic films
  • Robyn Will Kick You In The Face\’s jazz chicken
  • F.B.M.\’s working difference engine
  • Nyan\’s fantastic text from last night
  • Lion Hunter\’s brilliant singing, team rocket rendition, getting The Duke on Skype and reasoned vim/emacs debate
  • Socksoc\’s absolutely disgusting/amazing skin infection and entertaining extreme ironing
  • Lesbian Steampunk Samurai Lizard Detectives\’ for memorising 75 spells and their brilliant Pokemon LARPing
  • BAJJA getting us the first submission of a beautiful Venus Fly Trap

Check out the tumblr for the items we\’ve put online! we\’ll probably put a bit more up in the next day after we\’ve recovered a bit.

Well done to all the teams that took part, we had an absolutely brilliant, fun, exciting, incredible, sexy, strange, disturbing, exhausting, arousing, magical, &c., &c., time and we hope you did too!

We\’ll be giving out prizes (maybe) at a pub meet tomorrow with details to be announced! Hopefully see some/all of you there 🙂


Signing off,

2011 Judges
The Laser Raptors



We\’re back!

We\’re now back in the Union (well, we\’ve been back a little while judging some of yesterday\’s digital submissions, to our delight and amusement) and are all ready to receive your efforts for day two!

If you haven\’t checked the tumblr, it\’s got a load of great stuff on it now – see the sidebar link. Equally, if you haven\’t been checking the twitter you\’ve been missing out on some fun special items! You should check that. We had a secret meeting at midnight where a mysterious stranger from the past even turned up and donated items to one team!

See you all soon!

Starting tomorrow!

We\’re nearly set to start! Here\’s how things should unfold:


9.00 a.m.: We\’ll be outside Great St Mary\’s with printed copies of the list for anyone who turns up with any kind of cape (open to interpretation!). It might be worth your while getting a paper copy!

10.00 a.m.: The list goes up online. We\’ll post it here and it\’ll go on the sidebar.

10.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.: We\’ll be in the Union\’s Mountbatten room (there will be signs from the street), sitting tight and waiting to be brought your excellent items.


9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.: We\’ll be in the Union\’s Mountbatten room for the second day to be wowed and delighted by your finds.

9.00 p.m.: Doors close. If you\’re in the room by 9, we\’ll judge your stuff, but not if you\’re late!

approx. 9.30 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.: Results! Depending on how long final judging takes, we\’ll publish the results on the blog, twitter etc as soon as possible and tell anyone who\’s stuck around in person. Hint hint, the bar\’s next door!

Some stuff to bear in mind:

  • Completing any whole section of the list will net a 20% bonus on that section\’s points
  • You should bring stuff as often as you can! Leaving it all until the end makes for busy busy rooms and bored judges!
  • Points on the list are the approximate maximum for that item — great attempts will get the maximum points, merely mediocre will still get some points. Going above and beyond the call of duty is likely to net you bonus points.
  • Be sure to check the Twitter feed (@cush2011)! Who knows what we\’ll post?
  • Unless you ask us not to, we\’ll probably post your exciting/entertaining photos and videos, and may photograph items and post them too. They\’ll end up on the website or Twitter.
  • We\’ll have computers with us, so please bring digital items on USB sticks if you can!
  • Any questions, email or tweet us

See you all tomorrow morning and best of luck!

Setting the Stage

Hi everyone!

We\’re getting ready for the 2011 scavenger hunt at full pace now, with plenty of items ready to be found and a lot of ideas brewing up. The rules are pretty much the same as ever: teams of up to 5, two days to gather items and get them judged, judges\’ decisions are final.

The 2011 Scavenger Hunt will be run 9am Weds 15th June to 9pm Thurs 16th June and all judging is in the Union\’s Mountbatten Room.

We\’re holding off on sending out emails to the various lists until closer to the time, but team signups are now open if you want to get in early! Email with your team name, team members\’ names and ideally a team photograph.

Follow us on Twitter for potentially exciting updates and/or secret items!

The Laser Raptors are running the show this year, with thanks to all the previous organisers for helping get everything set up!

Update: Emails now sent! Signups open! Get your teams signed up!