Day 1 Review – Number 7 Bus

Aside from the beautiful alliteration they\’ve brought us in the title, this team was really quite busy. We hope to get the photographs of their achievements up at some point; for now descriptions will have to suffice.

Their knowledge of historical fashion was excellent, and they were big fans of buses, including a snapshot of their signature motorised vehicle as their team mascot. Incredible organisational skills also allowed them to punt tourists down the Cam before lunch as well as amount an impressive collection of minor items. Their big fish, little fish and cardboard box was very well presented.

We were extremely impressed also by their persuasive abilities in getting one of the Caius porters to write on the The Flag is Flying Today Because noticeboard, \”because Team Number 7 Bus own it!\”. Satisfying both capturing and bringing us a college flag, we threw in a bonus point for this incredible feat. Secondly, whilst meditating in Sainbury\’s, they somehow convinced a member of staff not only to join them cross-legged on the floor, but to be told to by his manager.

Day 1 Review – Will Sell Sex for Points

This team has taught us that not sharing cars will lead to a violent bloodbath:


Other triumphs included a pentalingual dictionary for which we gave them a bonus point. Bilen kindly performed some of Wuthering Heights in Semaphore for us. They\’re also currently in the lead for the largest bra, into which one of their team members could fit her head.

We\’ll leave you with their exquisitely decorated and highly contraversial family tree:


Day 1 Review – The Peterhouse Mafia

Visiting us nice and early, they brought a host of small items. We liked the pirate flag that they\’d obviously captured, their Countdown keyring and the propaganda of Lenin (complete with his signature Mohican and multiple piercings) inviting us to join the party.

We\’ll also share these two amusingly photoshopped pieces. Whilst they\’re not getting any more than a point for so obviously trying to trick us, we still like the natural look they\’ve achieved.

\"Me \"Me

Day 1 Review – Team Internet

Team Internet\’s contributions today were overshadowed by their prolific attempts to steal pictures from the internet and pass them off as their own. They\’re also getting no bonus points for nerdy arguments; whatever they say, Yoda is not a revolutionary leader.

We do have quite a bit of their work to show off though, starting with some fine videos. Firstly, here is their excellent interpretation of Live Action Tetris.

We also have their game of Manly Scrabble. We particularly like the play that changes \’UG\’ to \’JUGS\’:

They also brought us a fine picture of Abraham Lincoln made out of macaroni, but he was missing his hat. Phillip\’s GCSE coursework was appalling, in all honesty; his picture of the experiment for measuring the resistance of a filament lamp left me quite bewildered as to how it scored any marks at all. The team successfully brought us the correct set of Star Trek movies, we won\’t reveal which those are just yet. Their TV theme Medley consisted of Neighbours, Eastenders, Doctor Who, Postman Pat and The Bill, plus one other we didn\’t get. We were also big fans of their \’string quartet\’ which we\’ll hopefully get a picture of up at some point.Finally we\’ll leave you with two of their finest photos. A highly accurate tattoo of t.A.T.u. and an extremely pimped out ride, although it doesn\’t have a single X-Box:

\"A \"One

Nearly Time for Dinner

It\’s been a busy day! We\’ve had at least four teams visit us in person, emails from two more and I\’m sure the rest of you are working hard. We\’ll be making a series of updates this evening including some of the best material we\’ve seen.

For now, there\’s a scores page which has -very- rough tallies of how everyone is doing.


The challenge began at 9am this morning – we were very impressed by the turn out outside GSM that early in the morning!


After a strong black coffee, it\’s time to put the list up for everyone else, happy hunting!

Twas the Night Before..

The time is nearly upon us. The hunt will begin at 9am tomorrow morning! Read this email very carefully, it contains everything you\’ll need to know!

The List

The list will be released in two stages: firstly at 9am, it can be obtained from the judges outside Great St. Mary\’s church in the centre of town, right opposite the Senate House, secondly it will be placed on the website and emailed to the contact we have in each team at 10am. That\’s one whole vital hour you could gain by coming to see us lovely judges! When you get it, you\’ll note that items have again been organised into small categories – this will function the same as last year – completing a category will earn you one bonus point per item in that category.


Since you have quite considerable time to obtain things on the list, and from experience, the judges will only be available during certain periods for you to bring them things. The schedule is below. The Caius MCR is a small room in the main Caius site: as you enter the college, turn immediately right and follow the path around the court until you go down some steps and through a small tunnel, continue along that path until you reach the corner and the MCR is just on your right. The Caius JCR is very close by, just continue following the path around the court and there are two sets of double doors into a large undercroft hallway, the JCR is clearly labelled on the left as you enter. The Department of Genetics is on the Downing Site, and is best found following this map: If you can\’t find the site itself, use this map: When you get there, ask reception for Chris Field and I\’ll come to see you.

PLEASE be aware that in Caius there may be exams going on, if not people revising, so try to avoid making excessive noise. If for some reason we should be removed from either the MCR or JCR, we\’ll try to find somewhere nearby and let you know as soon as possible where that is.


  • 9:00am-9:15am
    • List released outside Great St. Mary\’s
  • 10:00am
    • List released online
  • 2:00pm-6:00pm
    • Judge(s) will be in Caius MCR for items
  • 7:00pm-9:00pm
    • Judge(s) will be in Caius JCR for items


  • 9:00am-12:00pm
    • Judge(s) will be in Dept. of Genetics
  • 2:00pm-6:00pm
    • Judge(s) will be in Caius MCR
  • 7:00pm-9:00pm
    • Judge(s) will be in Caius JCR
  • 8:00pm
    • National Lottery Draw!

Outside of these times you can of course email us, this is encouraged! Especially if you have photo/video items that we can look at from work or home. If you\’re really desperate to show us something and we\’re not officially around, then you could email and be asked to trek miles outside of town to where we live. So you don\’t want to do that, ok?

Rules and Queries

The rules are as written on the website. PLEASE make sure you have read them. PLEASE also make sure that you don\’t get into any trouble during the event – don\’t aggrevate the public, fellows, college staff, fellow students and especially the police.

If, and undoubtedly you will, you have any queries about items on the list, then email us, we\’ll respond as swiftly as we can. Be aware that some are deliberately cryptic or open to interpretation, so we might not tell you much about those! We hope to be continuously updating the website, but we have work to do too sadly, so much of it may have to wait until you\’ve all finished and we can count up scores.

And Finally

Have fun! We hope to meet you all in person and then when it\’s all over, go down the pub or something. We\’d have arranged a party or something, but we really had not expected this overwhelming response! Thanks to you all for taking part, I can only hope you\’ll say the same to us on Wednesday evening!


It\’s alive!

This year\’s Scavenger Hunt will begin at 9am, Tuesday 12th June and end at 9pm, Wednesday 13th June.

If you are interested, then take a look at the history page and the previous years\’ lists. This year expect to have to perform a few more unusual activites than before, as well as a wider variety of creative tasks and even some cryptic clues.

If you\’d like to take part then get together a group of friends and email us. We\’re inviting teams of up to five people to take part. We\’d love it if you could come up with a team name, a short description of yourselves and if possible a group photograph.