We\’ve been chang-ed in development!

They are all students of the Development Studies program (MPhil) and apparently, can\’t resist a good pun!


Members: Erin Andrews (Pembroke), Valentina Barca (St. Edmunds), Anurag Gupta (Queens), Muhammad Irfan (St. Johns), Renata Lemos (Wolfson)

Pretty David

They\’ve been having a hectic time of late, but they made it! Pretty David have some rather excellent names!


Members: Anyetta White, Quinby Frey, David Mack (not eponymous, though of course also pretty), Adam Bennet, Alice Shone

Nearly there!

Less than 15 hours to go until the 2008 Scavenger Hunt begins! The excitement is palpable.

If you don\’t want to miss out on the fun, there\’s still time to enter a team. Just send us a list of team members, a team name, and if possible, some sort of team photo/scribbled crayon drawing. Emails, as always, to cush@srcf.ucam.org.

For those who are taking part, the fun starts tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 9am, outside Great St Mary\’s. Wear a hat. We will be.

And, if you can\’t make it to Great St Mary\’s, don\’t worry. The list will be online from 10am, and you can find out where and when to hand in items on the schedule.

Team Rofflecopter

Team Rofflecopter weren\’t able to get a photo, but they used their exceptional skills with Microsoft Paint to produce a team portrait.


Members: Matt Gamage, Jess Allen, Maria Moynihan, Alison Baylay, Lia Chappell

Phase space and the Wronskians

It wouldn\’t be a scavenger hunt without some Trinity Mathmos. Here\’s Phase space and the Wronskians!

Jon *hesitation* Tims
James \’Science!\’ Brister
Will \’oooer\’ Brooks
Ed Ignatius Morland
Matt \’flirting with respectable\’ Hickford

Schedule 2013

Here is the schedule for this year\’s scavenger hunt (not set in stone yet):

Thursday 13th June

  • 9am-9.30am: The list can be collected from a subset of the judges outside Great St. Mary\’s.
  • 10am: The list is made available online.
  • 11am-5pm: A subset of the judges will be available throughout the day for scoring at the GU, Mill Lane.
  • 5:30-9pm: The judges will be in Newnham Bar.

Friday 14th June

  • 9am –5pm: A subset of the judges will be available throughout the day for scoring at the GU, Mill Lane.
  • 5:30-9pm: The judges will be in Newnham Bar.
  • 9pm onwards: The final scores will be tallied, and a result announced.

Aural Bizarre

They didn\’t have a team name so I (Chris) cruelly made one up (it should be pretty obvious how), Aural Bizarre consist of:

Laura Brazier (New Hall)
Thomas Acland (Robinson)
Jess Hyslop (New Hall)
Nicholas Walters (St. Catz)
Sarah Kelly (New Hall)

Steve and the Cake-o-nauts

A group of third years from Churchill, Steve and the Cake-o-nauts presumably have some kind of vessel capable of travelling through the treacherous medium of cake.


Members: Jon Ahearn, Christopher Berry, Dan Oliver, Alex Rea, Chris Smowton.

The Famous Five

With some members of last year\’s triumphant Team Internet, the temporarily named Internet 2.0 have quite a reputation to live up to! Indeed they are now named The Famous Five.


Members: Anthea Heyes, Jeyaveni Chedumbarum Pillay, Hannah Kitchener, Emilie Yerby, Laura Vale