Day 1 Scores

After a flurry of activity, we\’ve totalled the scores after day 1, not including those items still at the discretion of the judges or anything that arrived even just after midnight. Here\’s the rundown:

  1. Boobies Make Me Smile – 276
  2. Team Rofflecopter – 221
  3. Cambridge Unnameables – 217
  4. Pretty David – 176
  5. The Boom Squad – 173
  6. Team Ridiculous – 155
  7. Phase Space and the Wronskians – 147 (NB: Maximum Break!)
  8. Steve and the Cake-O-Nauts – 134
  9. Chang-ed in Development – 130
  10. Some Assembly Required – 108
  11. The Pirates – 71
  12. The Famous Five – 23 (As yet unseen in person!)
  13. Hatchets and Flies – 12
  14. Aural Bizarre – 0 (Just ahead because we met Laura!)
  15. Bazalgette and the Englings – 0 (As yet completely unseen!)

Mid-afternoon update


What an afternoon it\’s been! Boobies Make Me Smile still hold the lead, with some scavenging of the highest standard, although they did get told off for filming in Sainsbury\’s.




Also this afternoon, we\’ve had reptiloids, a Moustache Party, Action Benjamin Harrison, some very sad looking emo rocks, and Angela Merkel has been at the biscuits.



Midday report


The Scavenger Hunt is 3 hours old, and Boobies Make Me Smile have raced into an early lead. Just behind them though, are Team Rofflecopter and Team Ridiculous.

Thus far we\’ve seen a fiendish rick-roll, some high-quality underpants/head/Sainsbury\’s interaction, and more simple machines than you can shake a stick at.

Scavenger Hunt List 2008

Art Attack!

  • 1. A watercolour [5]
  • 2. A paintball [6]
  • 3. A fingerpainting of your favourite politician [8]
  • 4. Ice sculpture [12]

Super Size This

  • 5. An enormous whisk [4]
  • 6. Oversized cruet [7]
  • 7. A giant foam hand [9]
  • 8. A giant board game [15]

Construction Work

  • 9. Wrought iron [6]
  • 10. Tickets to Bob The Builder Live [16]
  • 11. Cross the Cam with strawberry laces [18]
  • 12. Photos of team members with non-college architectural crests [2 each]

Can I give you my card?

  • 13. An organ donor card [2]
  • 14. A trading card [3]
  • 15. A life-size cardboard cutout of someone [11]
  • 16. A house of cards (not playing cards) [1 per storey]

Dress to impress

  • 17. A stuffed shirt [9]
  • 18. A glove stretcher [13]
  • 19. A video of a team member at the checkout in Sainsbury\’s with underpants on their head [20]
  • 20. A team member wearing as many society t-shirts as possible [1 per shirt]

Ride\’em, cowboy

  • 21. A lasso [5]
  • 22. Rawhide [8]
  • 23. Spurs [12]
  • 24. A ten-gallon hat [1 per gallon or part thereof]

A life of idle domesticity

  • 25. An IKEA catalogue [1]
  • 26. Bathroom scales [4]
  • 27. A dustbuster [9]
  • 28. A garden strimmer [13]
  • 29. An Innovations catalogue [14]

Ear we go again

  • 30. A hammer [4]
  • 31. A stirrup [10]
  • 32. An anvil [19]

Further education

  • 33. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing [5]
  • 34. A graduation hood [7]
  • 35. An ARU student [9]
  • 36. An educational film about the dangers of walking on cracks in pavement [17]

New-fangled nonsense

  • 37. An electronic translator [3]
  • 38. A shortwave radio [6]
  • 39. A non-GSM mobile phone [10]
  • 40. A human being, and a Game Boy which is older than them [15]

Thicker than water

  • 41. A team member\’s sibling [3]
  • 42. Baby photos of the team [3 each]
  • 43. Twins [5 per twin]
  • 44. A note from your mum explaining why you couldn\’t get an item [Value of that item]

Feetal position

  • 45. Toe separators [1]
  • 46. Animal slippers [4]
  • 47. A shoehorn [5]
  • 48. Clogs [6]

Stars of the silver screen

  • 49. Perform your favourite movie theme on comb and paper (bonus points if it\’s the judges\’ favourite movie theme) [5]
  • 50. Reenact a scene from your favourite Steven Spielberg film using toys (bonus points if it\’s the judges\’ favourite Steven Spielberg film) [17]
  • 51. The highest numbered sequel (on DVD) [Points as per number]
  • 52. Stop motion [Up to 20]

Making the world go round

  • 53. A copper coin [4]
  • 54. A banker to hug one of the judges [8]
  • 55. A senior treasurer (not Martin) [9]
  • 56. A gold bar [20]

What is there more handsome?

  • 57. A chef\’s hat [4]
  • 58. A cheese guillotine [7]
  • 59. Cheez Wiz [7]
  • 60. Spy bread [9]
  • 61. Foodhenge [15]
  • 62. Food more than one year out of date [2 points per year, max 10]

Playing with the boys

  • 63. Wing Commander [1]
  • 64. An acrostic [2]
  • 65. A version of Cluedo based around your favourite TV show (bonus points if it\’s the judges\’ favourite TV show) [10]
  • 66. Live Action Pacman [18]
  • 67. A jigsaw made out of biscuits (9 pieces minimum) [20]

This one\’s for the ladies

  • 68. A friendship bracelet [1]
  • 69. A scrunchy [1]
  • 70. Multi-brush mascara [2]
  • 71. Hair straighteners [3]
  • 72. Hello Kitty merchandise which Chris doesn\’t already have [6]

Keep it under yours

  • 73. A tinfoil hat [1]
  • 74. A St Patrick\’s Day hat [2]
  • 75. A hard hat [3]
  • 76. A sombrero [5]
  • 77. A fez [8]
  • 78. A stovepipe hat [10]
  • 79. A policeman\’s helmet with a flashing light on top [12]

These belong in a museum

  • 80. A crystal skull [10]
  • 81. The Sankara Stone [15]
  • 82. The Ark of the Covenant [20]
  • 83. The Holy Grail [20]

Visitors to our fair realm

  • 84. A photo of two unrelated groups of tourists taking photos of each other [12]
  • 85. International recognition [15]
  • 86. A citizen of each EU country [1 per country]
  • 87. Photos of team members at milestones in and around Cambridge [3 per milestone]

You must be joking

  • 88. A lolly stick with a joke on [1]
  • 89. A cracker joke [2]
  • 90. The Ha Ha Bonk Book [9]
  • 91. A video of an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walking into a bar [15]

Lost for words…

  • 92. A book with no words [4]
  • 93. Hold a conversation in sign language [10]
  • 94. A non-English Scrabble set [13]
  • 95. Wuthering Heights in Morse code [2 per sentence, max 12]

…and found them again

  • 96. A UL pencil [1]
  • 97. It\’s Raining What Shall We Do? [2]
  • 98. A Choose Your Own Adventure book [6]
  • 99. A book club in an unusual setting [8]
  • 100. Movable type [12]
  • 101. A book bound in vellum [14]


  • 102. A lever [1]
  • 103. A wheel and axle [1]
  • 104. A wedge [1]
  • 105. A screw [1]
  • 106. A pulley [1]
  • 107. An inclined plane [1]

We don\’t know what the theme is here either

  • 108. A snowglobe [3]
  • 109. A date stamp [4]
  • 110. A sceptre [7]
  • 111. A cauldron [11]
  • 112. Photos of team members at places of worship in Cambridge [2 per major denomination]

Six easy pieces

  • 113. A boot [1]
  • 114. An iron [2]
  • 115. A dog [4]
  • 116. A top hat [6]
  • 117. A car [8]
  • 118. A battleship [16]

Face the music

  • 119. Emo rock [1]
  • 120. A short opera about your favourite soap (bonus points if it\’s the judges\’ favourite soap) [12]
  • 121. A barbershop quartet [16]
  • 122. A theremin [19]

What rhymes with \’Crocket\’?

  • 123. A rocket [3]
  • 124. A sprocket [4]
  • 125. A locket [5]
  • 126. A docket [6]

Oral fixation

  • 127. Dental floss [1]
  • 128. A spit-valve [6]
  • 129. Tie a cherry stalk into a knot with your tongue [8]
  • 130. A blowpipe [10]

So you think we run this for your benefit?

  • 131. Compose an ode to the judges [10]
  • 132. Bring us cocktails [10]
  • 133. Moist towelettes [10]
  • 134. A cold one [10]

Gardener\’s World

  • 135. Cress [1]
  • 136. A trowel [3]
  • 137. Bonsai [4]
  • 138. A laurel wreath [5]
  • 139. A hanging basket [7]

The continuation of war by other means

  • 140. A photo of a team member with an MP [7]
  • 141. A toy US president [8]
  • 142. A pocket copy of the US constitution [9]
  • 143. A city councillor [16]
  • 144. The entire team dressed as US presidents [20]

Pressing business

  • 145. Pressed flowers [2]
  • 146. A garlic press [3]
  • 147. Make some paper [9]
  • 148. Get a press release published [17]

That\’s a wrap

  • 149. Continental European rap [7]
  • 150. Bubble wrap another team [10]
  • 151. Battle rap another team [2 per rhyme busted, max 16]
  • 152. Gift wrap one of the items [Double score on that item]

We\’re never gonna give you up, Mr Astley

  • 153. Rickroll the judges [6]
  • 154. Rick roly-poly [8]
  • 155. Rickroll a fellow [14]
  • 156. Rickroll the Grand Arcade [20]


  • 157. A Petri dish [1]
  • 158. A microscope slide [2]
  • 159. Prove the non-existence of bees [8]
  • 160. A demonstration of the correlation between snoozing and losing [10]
  • 161. Evidence of the existence of Atlantis [12]
  • 162. A large hadron (diameter greater than 10cm) [17]
  • 163. Calculate g using household objects [5 points per significant figure, max 20]

Dib dib dib

  • 164. A woggle [3]
  • 165. Be Prepared! [5]
  • 166. Do a good deed [10]
  • 167. A clove hitch, a Flemish bend, a monkey\’s fist, a sheepshank [2 per knot]

Tis the season

  • 168. A hot cross bun [2]
  • 169. A Christmas napkin [4]
  • 170. A May Ball wristband [5]
  • 171. A carved pumpkin [12]

Snooker scoring

  • 172. Golf balls (snooker scoring) [Snooker scoring]
  • 173. Rawlplugs (snooker scoring) [Snooker scoring]
  • 174. Membership cards of political parties [Snooker scoring]

Be a good sport

  • 175. A croquet mallet [2]
  • 176. A baseball [3]
  • 177. A lacrosse stick [6]
  • 178. A ski [11]
  • 179. A real tennis racquet [13]

Style and aplomb

  • 180. Shoulder pads [2]
  • 181. A feather boa [3]
  • 182. A fine leather jacket [4]
  • 183. Blue hair [5]
  • 184. An excellent moustache [10]
  • 185. Cocktail monkeys [1 per monkey, max 6]

The labours of Hercules

  • 186. Challenge and beat a member of the public at noughts and crosses [8]
  • 187. An interpretive dance of your favourite dystopia (bonus points if it\’s the judges\’ favourite dystopia) [14]
  • 188. Memorise this list [1 per 10 items]
  • 189. Identify our cocktail [3 per ingredient]

Messing about in boats

  • 190. An inflatable [1]
  • 191. A lifejacket [4]
  • 192. A snorkel [5]
  • 193. A fishing fly [6]
  • 194. A dinghy [9]
  • 195. Walk on water [16]
  • 196. Pimp your punt [18]

Fulfil our whims

  • 197. Chris wants some little badges [Discretion]
  • 198. Martin wants some little badgers [Discretion]
  • 199. Abi wants a kitten [Discretion]
  • 200. Irene wants candy [Discretion]

Weapons effective against…

  • 201. Werewolves [5]
  • 202. Zombies [8]
  • 203. Ghosts [16]
  • 204. Vampires [1 per distinct weapon]

The animal kingdom

  • 205. A dog license [2]
  • 206. A paper dragon [3]
  • 207. A wind-up goldfish [5]
  • 208. An ostrich egg [9]
  • 209. A picture of a team member with a black squirrel [10]
  • 210. A reptiloid [12]
  • 211. Photos of team members at pubs in Cambridge with animals in their names [2 per pub]

For the win

  • 212. A raffle ticket [1]
  • 213. A bingo card [2]
  • 214. A children\’s sport award [4]
  • 215. Find us a prize [12]
  • 216. Break a world record [20]
  • 217. Cheerleaders (including pom-poms) [3 per pom, max 18]
  • 218. An item on a rotating pedestal [Double score on that item]

Boobies make me smile

That\’s a team name. Not that boobies don\’t make me smile you understand. But in this case it\’s a team name. Boobies make me smile!

Members: Sabrina Verjee, Ed Moffett, Helen Randall, Hannah Darcy, Emma Kenney-Herbert

The Pirates

You thought the last guys were last minute? They were obviously merely second-last minute. Possibly even third-last.

Please welcome The Pirates!

Jenny Molloy
Janet Scott
Matt Thomsn
Felicity Loudon
Ros Higman

Hatchets and Flies

A team enjoying post last exam revelry, Hatchets and Flies consists of:

Robin Brown (Jesus)
Tim Pattison (Downing)
Charlotte Roach (Trinity)
Polly Keen (New Hall)
Liam Richardson (Jesus)

We\’ve been chang-ed in development!

They are all students of the Development Studies program (MPhil) and apparently, can\’t resist a good pun!


Members: Erin Andrews (Pembroke), Valentina Barca (St. Edmunds), Anurag Gupta (Queens), Muhammad Irfan (St. Johns), Renata Lemos (Wolfson)

Pretty David

They\’ve been having a hectic time of late, but they made it! Pretty David have some rather excellent names!


Members: Anyetta White, Quinby Frey, David Mack (not eponymous, though of course also pretty), Adam Bennet, Alice Shone