
We iz tiring of teh monotoniez of sittingz here wit no1 to visit us. 1 bonus pointz iz availablez for the first team to arrivez here from now, chantingz \”I stole the cookiez from the cookie jar and eated them\”

Scavenger Hunt List 2010

The Judges will be in the Mountbatten room of the Union for judging items, this will be sign posted from the Union entrance and is next to the bar. Ask the nice people at reception if the inner door is locked! Directions to the Union can be found at Judging will be from 10am to 10.30pm on Wednesday, resume at 9am Thursday and stop at 9pm Thursday evening. The results will be announced soon afterwards (when everything is tallied).

Maximum points available are next to each item, each of these is down to the judges discretion and you may not get them all! Bonus points may be awarded if you particularly impress us.

Please bring along video/picture evidence on a USB, or if you cant, send them to

Check the website regularly for updates. Happy hunting!
Category Number Item Points
What\’s brown and sticky? 1 A walking stick 2
2 A lacrosse stick 2
3 A pogo stick 4
4 An insect stick (like a stick insect, but instead of the insect pretending to be a stick, the stick is pretending to be an insect) 2
5 A sticky situation 3
6 Fly paper 3
Rainbow 7 A red 3
8 An orange 1
9 Someone with Jaundice 7
10 Someone who stood for election as a member of the green party (and proof) 4
11 A blue 3
12 Violets 3
13 A cloud 5
14 A pot of gold 8
15 A demonstration of how to catch a leprechaun 4
16 A multicultural rainbow of faiths 1 per faith
Lolitics 17 As many different party signs from the general election as possible 2 per sign
18 A hung parliament 4
19 A coalition 4
20 A spoiled ballot 2
21 I agree with Nick 1
22 A fellow who is a card-carrying member of the BNP or UKIP 10
Lady Gaga – I want.. 23 Your ugly 3
24 A leather studded kiss in the sand 3
25 A bad romance 2
26 A vertical stick 1
27 Love glue 2
28 Paparazzi 2
29 A pair of glasses made of cigarettes 2
30 A bizarre hair do – the crazier the better 3
31 Make us a Lady Gaga parody video 4
Cambridge Lore 32 A formal ticket from Homerton or Girton 2
33 A video of the cyclist who plays metal/rock from a plastic bag on his handlebars 4
34 A Cambridge ghost 2
35 A Senior Wrangler or a \’wooden spoon\’ 10 (if an original)
36 A photograph of Pelby College 5
37 The original sceptre from Trinity Great Gate 12
38 One of the actual scholars who fled Oxford in 1209 (there must be some lurking in the basement of Peterhouse) 800 (interpretations down to judges discretion)
39 A postbox covered in spikes 4
40 A university official, the more regalia the better 6
Acronymic Academia 41 A CHUCOL site 1
42 CATAM coffee 3
43 Scale model of a P\’lodge (with porters) 4
44 A DoS 5
45 A PWF computer with Skype on it 4
46 A UL 3
Full 47 A glass half full 1
48 A full house 1
49 The full moon 4
50 Someone full of themselves 2
51 Full Metal Jacket 5
52 A full monty 6
53 A full and frank disclosure (the kinkier or more gossip-worthy the better) 3
Wii.. can have some fun with this category 54 Red Steel 6
55 A Guitar Hero 2
56 Animals Crossing 3
57 Alone in the Dark 2
58 Super Fruit Fall 2
59 A Wii Fit board 8
On the road again.. 60 Roadkill 2
61 A roadrunner 2
62 A piece of road 3
63 A roadie 4
64 A road to Rome 2
65 A road to nowhere 3
66 The Colossus of Rhodes 6
67 Hit the road, Jack 2
Buzz buzz 68 Unusual honey 4
69 The bees knees 2
70 Someone with hives (and proof) 4
71 A scale model of a hive 3
72 A wireless hub 1
73 A novel explaination of why the bees are disappearing 3
Everybody 74 Body-building protein powder 1
75 Black body radiation 2
76 A body board 3
77 A payre of bodies 4
78 Someone in full body paint 10
79 A three body problem 4
Red Dwarf 80 Holly 1
81 A log cabin made of chocolate fingers 3
82 A hologram 2
83 A space bug 3
84 A red dwarf 2
85 An android 2
86 As many of the space core directives as you can recite (no crib sheet) 1 per directive, max 10
87 I am a fish\’ written 500 times on an exam sheet. Bonus points if handed in and marked. 6
Board and Bored games 88 Bananagram 4
89 Eternity II (massive bonus if solved) 4
90 Mousetrap 2
91 Twister 1
92 The quickest checkmate against a member from another team 4
93 A board game in Arabic 8
Proverbs and Sayings 94 Birds of a feather flocking together 1
95 A stitch in time 2
96 Camp as a row of tents 3
97 Lead a horse to water and make it drink 4
98 A fit fiddle 4
99 Something tougher than a nail 1
100 A needle in a haystack 3
101 A choosy beggar 2
A trip to Addenbrookes\’ 102 A lab coat 1
103 An x-ray 3
104 A doctor 2
105 Safety goggles 1
106 An appendix 4
107 A brain in a jar 6
108 A smallpox victim 10
It´s panto time! (Oh no it isn´t) 109 Magic beans (bonus points if you can grow an actual beanstalk from them) 3
110 A glass slipper 6
111 One of the team dressed as a Panto Dame 4
112 A cat in boots. 4
113 Huff and puff and blow a house down 2
114 Spin me a yarn. No, really. Spin one for me. 5
Lolcats 115 Long cat is long 2
116 Ceiling cat 3
117 I can haz cheezburger plz? 2
118 Physics cat sitting on something soft 2
119 Ninja cat 3
120 Photos of as many college cats as possible (with names and college) 1 per cat
121 O rly? 2
Disney/Pixar 122 A magic lamp 1
123 A Disney Princess 4
124 To infinity and beyond 3
125 A whole new world 3
126 Colours in the wind 2
127 A Heffalump 4
128 A reproduction of the Lion King in less than 2 minutes 5
129 Birds cleaning your room 9
Flora 130 A conker 1
131 A leaf from a ginko tree 1
132 A fig leaf (bonus points if used as a sole garment!) 2
133 A daisy chain 1 point per metre
134 Make us a blackthorn wreath 3
135 Bring us a plant with an amusing scientific name 4
136 A bonsai watermelon 8
137 Give flowers to a tourist and film their reaction 4
138 Make and model your own grass skirt 6
Fauna 139 An origami bird – the more original the better 2
140 A pigeon fancier 3
141 A Ruby Tiger 5
142 Find and photograph a black Pheasant 3
143 A Fawn 5
144 Fawning 2
145 Fauna-cation 1 per event
Praise be to the Lord on High 146 Bring us the pope (without spending £15m) 4
147 Perform a miracle 3
148 Bring us a member of CICCU 1
149 Walk on water 3
150 Re-enact the book of Genesis in under 1 minute 3
151 A piece of a saint 5
152 My Four Little Ponies of the Apocalypse. 4
Freak Show 153 Largest bra – calculated at the end of the contest 2
154 Tallest person and shortest person, must bring own tape measure difference between them/3 (inches)
155 Most interesting birthmark 3
156 Someone with less or more than 20 digits 5
157 Juggling the highest number of balls at once (min.10 seconds) 1 point per ball
Interwebs (a tribute to Team Internet, winners 2007) 158 Prove rule 34 or 35 3
159 A series of tubes 1
160 Win The Game (which, btw, you just lost) 2
161 A roflcopter 5
162 A sign up email for an Assassins guild game 1
163 Find us Charlie the Unicorn 6
Penguins 164 P-p-p-pick up a penguin 1
165 A penguin suit 2
166 A stuffed penguin 2
167 A flipper 3
168 Re-enact happy feet – bonus points if dressed up as a penguin 6
169 Bring us an iceberg 4
Balls 170 Hitler\’s ball 5
171 A snowball 8
172 A globe 2
173 A 2010 *official* world cup football 4
174 As many footballs from previous world cups as possible 2 per ball
175 The biggest ball you can find (compared at the end) 4
176 A Snitch 3
LOTR 177 A gollum impression 2
178 The One Ring 4
179 Bored of the Rings 3
180 Write us something in Elvish (bonus points if done in front of us) 2
181 You shall not pass! 2
182 A scale model of Minas Tirith carved from fudge 8
Tithe my Wok 183 A Wok 1
184 Jabberwocky 4
185 Rudely a-wok-en 2
186 An ewok 3
187 Wok \’n\’ Woll 4
188 An antithesis 3
Down Under 189 A Kiwi (bird) made from kiwi 3
190 A hat with corks 2
191 A didgeridoo 4
192 Perform a tribute to Rolf Harris on the wobble board 6
193 Make us some Superb Fairy Wren cakes 2
194 Sheilas Wheels car insurance policy 6
195 Good Neighbours 2
Geekery 196 Something heavier than metal (and proof) 2
197 A towel 1
198 An accurate model of DNA 4
199 A geek t-shirt 2
200 Write and perform your own geek pop (see for some ideas) 8
201 Proof that time travel is possible (without a patent or copyright please) 4
Strange, surreal and just plain weird 202 Recreate an acid trip through video or interpretative dance 5
203 Paint a moustache on the Mona Lisa. 3
204 Paint us a familiar scene from Cambridge in surrealist or cubist style 4
205 Explain Scientology to us. Even better, get Tom Cruise or John Travolta to. 3
206 Disprove your own existence 4
Cambridge Stereotypes 207 A pillow fight at New Hall 3
208 Some Kings students planning the next Marxist revolution 3
209 Some camp Petreans 3
210 Some Newnhamites discussing feminism 1
211 A Homerton-Girton relationship (with proof) 5
212 A Johns rugby player 2
Impossible! 213 Get hiccups 6
214 Bring us a Klein bottle 8
215 Prove that the dodo is extant 6
216 Bring us a Higgs Boson 4
Cycling in the shire 217 Bring us chips from a fish and chip shop outside Cambridge (with photo proof that you were there) 6
218 Scale models of Gog and Magog on the Gog Magog downs 6
219 Recite a Rupert Brooke poem at the Orchard in Grantchester (filmed) 5
220 As many bike helmets as possible 1 point per 5, max 8 points
221 Photo of team members at Madingley American Cemetery 2 points per team member
Paper 222 Paper plane 1
223 Rice paper 1
224 Paper chains 1
225 A newspaper editor 3
226 Papyrus 2
227 A wedding invitation 2
228 Two-headed toilet paper mummy 4
This is not an air guitar 229 Papier mache guitar 3
230 World\’s tiniest open source guitar 6
231 Sugar sculpture guitar 4
232 Chocolate guitar 2
233 A \’5-a-day\’ guitar – consisting of more than 5 fruit and veg 6
Bribe the Judges 234 Jammy doughnuts 2
235 Fairy dust 2
236 Butterbeer 2
237 Deep fried Mars Bar 5
238 Everlasting gobstopper 3
239 Turtle burgers ( 5
240 A dragon 12
241 Giant peach (extra point if it comes with a James) 3
242 A jar of fireflies 4
243 Fly me to the moon 5
Gothic 244 White face paint 1
245 A spiky dog collar 1 point per cm of spikes
246 Manacles and chains 5
247 A cloak 3
248 A goth in hot weather (must be in Cambridge) Points per sweatiness
Coinage 249 An old penny 1
250 A coin with a hole in it 2
251 An engineers penny 2
252 A £5 coin 4
253 A guinea 6
254 Coins from extinct currencies 1 point per currency
255 A chocolate coin 1 256 Out of date food that is \’in date\’ but from the wrong year (sealed please!) 4
257 Red spiders 1
258 A boy in a barrel 3
259 A re-enactment of any \’my hobby\’ cartoon (e.g. 174, 37, 79, 451) 1
260 Nerd Sniping 356 4
261 A ball pit with a team member in it 3
262 A top hat 4
263 Sudo make me a sandwich 2
For teh lols 264 Go fly a kite 5
265 Period costume punting 7
266 Pretend to be ducks on kings parade, must include quacking noises (>1min) 4
267 Perform an ABBA song in front of at least 10 members of the public 5
268 Trollolololololol 2
Dancing 269 Perform a raindance 3
270 A belly dancing outfit 3
271 Dancing Queen 2 (100 points if you bring us HRH or a member of Queen)
272 Dancer in the Dark 1
273 Dirty Dancing 3
274 Start a flash-mob dance somewhere in Cambridge 6
275 Giant conga 3

Up and running..

.. or thereabouts

We\’re now set up in the Union, but for the next hour have no blu-tac (what can I say, 9am is too early to remember everything!) so please ask the recpetionist if you dont know where the Mountbatten room is. The list will go online fairly soon…