The challenge began at 9am this morning – we were very impressed by the turn out outside GSM that early in the morning!
After a strong black coffee, it\’s time to put the list up for everyone else, happy hunting!
The challenge began at 9am this morning – we were very impressed by the turn out outside GSM that early in the morning!
After a strong black coffee, it\’s time to put the list up for everyone else, happy hunting!
Global warming is your problem too
The fashionista, they text in TopShop:
For the Arts students
A novel approach
Could you sign this for me?
Leadership qualities
From \’round town
The writing\’s on the floor
Saving the world!
In today\’s press:
Good Music
Bad Music
Ugly Music
Nudge nudge wink wink say-no-more say-no-more
G\’day, sport
Gotta Catch\’em All
Walk like an Egyptian
The Ayes Have It
Sitting on the fence
Fetch and carry
Death and taxis
His Royal Highness
Itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny…
Building bridges
Hit the road
Nominae Latinae
Personal statement
Flying The Flag (For You)
What the hell were we thinking?
Things that sound the same
They do things differently there
Toys and games
I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!
Mythical creatures
My Politics. Let me show you them.
Leap of faith
SCIENCE: It works, damnit
Film puns
The World Is Not Enough
Fabulous Prizes!
Education, education, education
The Manly Category
Make like a tree and leave
The time is nearly upon us. The hunt will begin at 9am tomorrow morning! Read this email very carefully, it contains everything you\’ll need to know!
The List
The list will be released in two stages: firstly at 9am, it can be obtained from the judges outside Great St. Mary\’s church in the centre of town, right opposite the Senate House, secondly it will be placed on the website and emailed to the contact we have in each team at 10am. That\’s one whole vital hour you could gain by coming to see us lovely judges! When you get it, you\’ll note that items have again been organised into small categories – this will function the same as last year – completing a category will earn you one bonus point per item in that category.
Since you have quite considerable time to obtain things on the list, and from experience, the judges will only be available during certain periods for you to bring them things. The schedule is below. The Caius MCR is a small room in the main Caius site: as you enter the college, turn immediately right and follow the path around the court until you go down some steps and through a small tunnel, continue along that path until you reach the corner and the MCR is just on your right. The Caius JCR is very close by, just continue following the path around the court and there are two sets of double doors into a large undercroft hallway, the JCR is clearly labelled on the left as you enter. The Department of Genetics is on the Downing Site, and is best found following this map: If you can\’t find the site itself, use this map: When you get there, ask reception for Chris Field and I\’ll come to see you.
PLEASE be aware that in Caius there may be exams going on, if not people revising, so try to avoid making excessive noise. If for some reason we should be removed from either the MCR or JCR, we\’ll try to find somewhere nearby and let you know as soon as possible where that is.
Outside of these times you can of course email us, this is encouraged! Especially if you have photo/video items that we can look at from work or home. If you\’re really desperate to show us something and we\’re not officially around, then you could email and be asked to trek miles outside of town to where we live. So you don\’t want to do that, ok?
Rules and Queries
The rules are as written on the website. PLEASE make sure you have read them. PLEASE also make sure that you don\’t get into any trouble during the event – don\’t aggrevate the public, fellows, college staff, fellow students and especially the police.
If, and undoubtedly you will, you have any queries about items on the list, then email us, we\’ll respond as swiftly as we can. Be aware that some are deliberately cryptic or open to interpretation, so we might not tell you much about those! We hope to be continuously updating the website, but we have work to do too sadly, so much of it may have to wait until you\’ve all finished and we can count up scores.
And Finally
Have fun! We hope to meet you all in person and then when it\’s all over, go down the pub or something. We\’d have arranged a party or something, but we really had not expected this overwhelming response! Thanks to you all for taking part, I can only hope you\’ll say the same to us on Wednesday evening!
Team Members: Richard Gibson, Philip Bielby, Hannah Burton, A Shapeshifting Emilie Yerby/Jayaveni Chedumbarum Pillay, Anthea Heyes.
Some of this lot should have known better and come up with a team name and photo ;). – Chris
Team Members: Robin Message, Naomi Keeling and Stephen Taylor.
No picture as yet..
In contrast to my previous posts, I do know Robin. I expect great things! – Chris
Team Members: Sam Block, Mhairi Murdoch, Ian Heames, Liz Howse and Kate Lager.
I don\’t know much about this lot either. They have some of the best surnames of all the entrants, it has to be said. One of Sam\’s interests is apparently \’Mongolian Education Policy\’ – well Sam, maybe you\’ll get lucky and there\’ll be a special category all about that! Maybe. – Chris
Team Members: Janet Scott, Suz Tobin and Ellen Turnbull.
We are a team of slightly crazy trampolinists, choice quotes being \”People have stopped paying any attention when I scream…\” and (following a series of near-miss injuries while bouncing), \”Do you think God is trying to tell me something?\”. Oh and \”Janet, can I bite your knee again?\” from a Suz extremely hyper on mango. Our strategy to win is therefore to make the whole team hyper on mango on the basis that we then may well do anything. I like mangos. – Chris
Team Members: Jennifer Scott-Thompson, Dave Smith, Joe Veale, Stu Cuthbertson and James Lloyd.
No picture as yet..
We are all second years. I am a mathmo, Dave is a muso, James is an Asnac, Stu
and Joe are Natscis. Dave, Stu and I have done assassins before. James is
weird. We are hoping to do better than we did last mayweek. Oh my god, they have an Asnac! – Chris
Team Members: Mary Hom, Aidan Brown, Miranda Garfoot, Joe Garfoot and the mysterious Mary\’s Cousin Chris!
Ah the most mysterious of our entrants, Mary\’s sent us the most emails and seems to have put in quite some effort getting a team together. The rest of you had better watch out! Incidentally, her mysterious cousin isn\’t me.. – Chris